Drug Delivery Technologies

We have extensive experiences on several longstanding challenging drug delivery system (DDS) platforms including liposome, albumin-bound nanoparticle, nanocrystal, and microsphere technologies

Target Drug Delivery


Nanoparticles provide the possibility of delivering drugs to specific cells to reduce the side effects of drugs with concomitant decreases in consumption and treatment expenses. Our DDS platform technologies are intended to focus on developing controlled and extended drug release systems and apply to the complex injectable drug product development.


A Drug Delivery Vehicle

Our DDS technologies can offer the characteristics of a generic platform in which modules can be replaced, improved or re-designed without the need to re-design the whole product from the beginning every time its function needs to evolve. They allow us to continue to design medicines at the micro- or nanometer scale that can improve drug solubility and protect molecules from degradation before reaching the target cells.